
Every body is different and requires different attention. Our bodies need physical activity to maintain wellness. What this activity looks like can vary depending on your personal needs and goals. Some people prefer more natural exercises such as cycling to work the entire body, while others prefer to lift weights and work on individual muscle groups.

Whether you want to build muscle, lose weight, or just stay active, there are different types of workouts for each. Strength training incorporates heavy weights with a low number of repetitions, building muscle mass and strength. Hypertrophy involves moderately heavy weights at a slow and steady pace, with a focus on form. Compound movements, like squats, work multiple muscle groups, while isolated movements work out a specific muscle group. As a general rule of thumb, it is best to start with compound exercises and then include isolated exercises such as bicep curls or calf raises. 

Cardiovascular workouts are less about building muscle mass and more about burning calories. One of the most common cardio workout is HIIT, or high intensity interval training. This consists of quick intense workouts that may be hard on the joints. Alternatively, LISS, or low-intensity steady-state, is a lower intensity workout that is better in the long term. A combination of strength training and cardio will allow your body to increase strength and burn calories. 

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