
Why it Matters

As the saying goes, you are what you eat. The kinds of foods that you feed your body are directly correlated to how your body functions and feels. What you eat matters. In the rush of our everyday lives, we often eat mindlessly, just to get something in our system or for a quick energy boost. If we practice being mindful while eating, we are more aware of how certain foods affect us. I definitely feel different after eating junk food than I do after eating fresh fruit. I am vegetarian and always advocate for plant-based diets. What you put into your body contributes to your overall health. Quality nutrition is essential for your body to function at its best.


Ayurveda is an ancient science of life that uses the doshas, or three subtle energies (Vata, Kapha, Pitta). Everyone has a constitution made up of a combination of these three energies. Each dosha has specific qualities and bodily functions associated with it. The ancient science behind Ayurveda tells us what foods we need in order to balance our doshas and for our bodily systems to perform in harmony. 

For more information on ayurveda, check out this website.


Macronutrients, or macros, are the main building blocks of nutrition. Macros are calories, but they are broken down into three different categories. They are the carbohydrates, fats and proteins that your body needs in large amounts, giving it enough calories to function. However, quality is still more important than quantity. Calculating how many of each macro you need depends on whether your goal is maintenance, caloric surplus, or caloric deficit. Your maintenance requirements depend on your weight and height. Macros are a great way to make sure you are giving your body enough of everything that it needs.
